What is Primitive Reflex Integration?

Reflex stands for the reflexes in our body, but we are not really talking about when the Dr. taps your knee and the bottom of your leg kicks. We are talking about reflex patterns that were given to us to help with the birthing process as well as to help protect and develop us once we are born.

Integration: The coordination of processes in the nervous system. We want our sensory information coordinated with our motor response.  Take, for instance, the “hands supporting reflex.” When we lose our balance and start to fall forward, (sensory information), then our arms and hands should move forward to support our body weight (motor response), and bring us to the ground without us smashing our face on the ground.  For some people, their hands supporting reflex is not integrated, meaning it is not working for them.  So if they trip, their arms and hands do not support them, and they can get injured.  That’s where a reflex integration specialist comes in. We test what reflexes are not working properly, and then reintegrate those reflexes so they are working like they should.  This helps the brain develop like it should, and function is improved. 

Primitive Reflex Integration is not just for babies and young children. Neural pathways can be strengthened at any age.

BrainFit Mama is trained in Reflex Integration using MNRI® and Quantum Reflex techniques.

Please see the PRIMARY REFLEX MOVEMENT PATTERNS CHECKLIST.  This will give you an idea of how reflexes affect our development.  Under each reflex is a list of symptoms that you may experience if the reflex is not fully integrated.  The good news is that even if you have an issue with multiple reflexes, they can be reintegrated with some time and effort.  

How Long Does Treatment Last?

The length of treatment depends on the extent of the issues being experienced. If there aren’t many symptoms, treatment will be finished sooner; but if there are a lot of symptoms, treatment will take longer. Once complete, your brain will be changed, and will function differently. 

Guidance upon how long treatment may take, can be discussed after evaluation of the client.  

To give you a general idea, think of how long it takes a baby to go from a helpless, but very cute little blob; to a walking, talking human being.  About 1-2 years.  You need that amount of time to get the neural pathway strengthened. 

For best results, a home program is recommended. So parents will work on their children at home during the week, and then I will work on other reflexes during our individual sessions.

It is best to keep up regular appointments, as well as work on your home program to get results.  I also recommend a healthy diet that supports digestion and assimilation of nutrients needed for brain development, which will give the body what it needs to strengthen those neural pathways and improve results.  
