
Use Your Voice to Boost Your Brain

Forbrain's award-winning technology amplifies high-frequency vibration and simultaneously diminishes low-frequency to help the user create and process sound. The patented electronic dynamic filter blocks out environmental noise; isolating and amplifying the user’s voice, giving the nervous system a solid sensory workout

Reading out loud with Forbrain results in cortical stimulation which helps improve cognitive skills like:

  • Speech (Fluency, phonological awareness, communication )

  • Attention

  • Memory

  • Auditory Processing

  • Confidence and Personality Development

I recommend using Forbrain for 20 minutes a day: 

  • You can wear the bone conduction headset in class, while doing homework, or during leisure activities like having a conversation with friends, casual reading, singing, etc.

  • Forbrain can be used from the age 3+ to adults; it is a go-to tool for students from primary school to college.