
Micah was born in 2015. I had 3 older children, and waited seven years to get pregnant with him due to my own health issues. I really thought that because I had worked so hard on my health and changed so many things in my diet and life, Micah was going to be super healthy. He was not, and that baffled me at the time, but I see God had a plan in all of it. 

When Micah was only two months old, he started getting rashes all over his body and he was quite fussy. We started seeing a naturopath, who was wonderful, when he was three months old.  She thought his issue was heavy metals, and that although I had done a lot of detoxing well before getting pregnant, I did not do enough.  So, she helped us a lot with Micah’s gut health and detox.  It was very difficult to detox an infant.  I knew how bad I felt while detoxing, and it was hard to see him go through it as well.  But we knew he needed help, and so we just did what we needed to do.  

As Micah grew, we saw significant delays in his motor and speech skills.  He never sat up really well, with that beautiful upright baby posture. He was always very slumped over, with a C-curve in his spine and his mouth hanging open.  He did not move or crawl much, but I just thought it was because he was such a big baby, that it was hard to move that much body.  When he started walking he would often fall over to one side, and really could not walk more than 10 feet without falling over, when he should have been able to.  He was always just dead weight and could not really hold himself up.  He could not even really grip my finger tight, like a child normally would do when walking with his mother. He was also very clingy to me and extremely shy with others.  

He was doing the usual speech therapy and PT.  I wondered why he just did not pick up speech like kids normally do. Why did he have to stare at this lady showing him how to make the sounds with her mouth?  I took him to get his hearing checked, and when we followed up with that, the doctor thought that Micah actually had a central processing disorder and needed to be seen at UCSF. I left his office, and knew I would not go to UCSF, because I just did not think that they would have answers to actually help him.  I prayed and asked God to show me what Micah needed, and that prayer changed our lives.  

I knew nutrition and good supplements were needed, and he was on those, but I also knew he needed more.  First I found The Listening Program® from Advanced Brain Technologies.  I purchased it, just hoping it would help with his speech.  It did help with his speech and much more.  All of a sudden Micah seemed happier, and like he had more energy.  His posture improved and he felt so much lighter in my arms.  My dad even asked me, “when did this kid get a personality that works in public?”  Because he had always been so shy, even around grandpa, but now he was interacting with him and others so much more.  It was really exciting to see all these changes.

At that time, I also had begun looking for something to help my daughter with dyslexia and found Primitive Reflex Integration.  I started flying all over the country for trainings, and noticed a big difference when I worked on Micah.  His muscle tone, speech, balance, and moods improved even more.  He had a lot of sensitivity to noise, and would often scream if the van door shut, or the kids were loud.  After doing the reflexes and the Listening Program with him, this all changed, and he was also able to tolerate noise.  

We later found out that Micah has Lyme, which he most likely got from me when I was pregnant with him.  And I think that bacterial infection is what was at the root of his developmental and speech delays. We are still doing treatments for Micah, Lyme is not something that is finished quickly per se, but I am so thankful for the healing modalities that we found along the way to help him.  The Nutrition Response Testing has really helped us to see what nutrition his body needs, what stressors he is dealing with, and how we can support him through those challenges. 

So many kids struggle with the same issues that Micah did, and I just want to offer hope to those out there who are wanting to help their own kids.  I want to give them  hope that our bodies can change, if given the right tools.  Our experience helping Micah to develop and grow was challenging, but I am so thankful for knowledge I gained. Now I can go and empower others to help their own children.