Supporting families and individuals to grow and thrive.
Reflex Integration
People with retained reflexes often have learning difficulties, autism, and developmental delays. Primitive Reflexes are present to assist with the birthing process and infant neuro-development. Most primitive reflexes should be integrated by the first year of life. However, these reflexes may remain present or reemerge as a result of central nervous system dysfunction due to trauma or stress. Unintegrated reflexes can interfere with many aspects of learning, physical movement, development, and behavior. Integrating a reflex connects nerve nets or repairs them to allow rapid and efficient transmission of impulses, which improves brain function.
Nutrition Response Testing
Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of poor health. When these are corrected through safe, natural, nutritional means, the body can repair itself in order to attain and maintain more optimum health.
The Listening program
The Listening Program® (TLP) is a music listening method, personalized just for you to improve your brain health, at any age or level of ability. It is particularly helpful for individuals with learning disabilities like dyslexia and ADHD, or children with sensory or auditory processing disorders.
Forbrain® is a universal tool that complements academic learning and boosts students' confidence in their reading, attention, and public speaking skills.
BrainFit Mama Success Stories
Read about how Nutrition Response Testing, Reflex Integration, The Listening Program®, and ForBrain® have helped families improve their communication, neurological health, and more.